You Want to Know How and If Durham is Growing Responsibly.
This site provides all the information you need to stay informed and respond.
This site provides all the information you need to stay informed and respond.
Our Mission is to provide easy links to information for citizens to form their own opinions about new zoning and public services in our area, and to connect them with the public officials so they can communicate their questions and concerns.
Stay Informed
Sunday, Feb 5th at 2:00 – 3:30pm is the Durham Planning Dept meeting to discuss final plan, and I will have a list of questions for them. We need many to show up to show we really care about this for future actions the Planning Dept plans to make!
This Wednesday , Jan 25th, 6:30-7;45 to discuss the Mason Farms (formerly Wet Rock) appeal – information session with attorney who will handle the appeal. We all need to be paying attention, and hear this info, because how this one is handled, will set a precedence.